Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disease, which arises from a genetic mutation. It can cause damage in skeletal and heart muscles. In most cases, it manifests in childhood or early adolescence, but sometimes it could be diagnosed later on. In the most severe cases, the disease already becomes evident at birth.
If it is not promptly diagnosed and appropriate therapeutic measures are not taken, it may result in sudden death due to heart problems.
Current therapies allow to protect against the most serious risks.
Up to now, there is still not a cure.
AIDMED, a non-profit social association aims to involve all people affected by this disease and those who want to support us, building a network of solidarity and support in difficult times . It’s important not to leave patients alone.
An important objective of our Association is to support research projects on these genetic mutations. No one is more interested than us in helping scientists in finding a cure.
So, AIDMED runs charity activities with the objective of financing specific and ongoing research projects. The more contributions we can gather, the faster the goals of these research projects will become concrete realities.